Tuesday, 9 June 2015

The Word ''FAT'' can never be negative, to me atleast

Good Morning to all the lovely people :) especially those who read the shitt i write :P 

Its been awhile since I last wrote , am working in a secret agency so they do not allow me to be social at all :/
LOL! well I was busy with my exams and as am done with them now , so I can resume writing :)

I’m a big girl. I’ve been big all my life. The only time when I wasn’t big was when I was a thin, frail toddler who would constantly fall sick, as mom would remember.

You see, as a big girl, I refer to myself a lot of names; plus size, curvy, curvaceous, vivacious etc (why must we label ourselves? So annoying!). But if there is one word I will not call myself, it’s ‘fat

No, I am not in denial. I am well aware that I am indeed fat. I have no problems with people calling me that, although I will twitch and feel the need to punch the person in the face, but I will never call myself that. It’s derogatory and as much as my fellow plus size sisters make it seem glamorous, make those who hurt them eat their heart out by embracing this derogatory term with pride, I for one find it extremely hard to join them in their embrace of the word, although how much of a supporter I am in the cause.

Believe me, I tried. I TRIED to like that word. I TRIED to incorporate it in my mind set and use it as form of witty comebacks for unwanted, unsolicited and stupid comments from people about my body. I did, I tried..

I hate society’s representation and stereotype of what a big girl should be like; easily bullied, low self-esteem, not sexy, not witty bla bla bla hence why I fight to break that stereotype. However, I find it hard to fight this stereotype if my fellow sisters keep using ‘fat’ as part of the fight. I understand why they do that, but it’s just hard, you know. WE understand why we use it, but do they understand the irony behind it too?
What I am trying to say is that while I rejoice the fight that women make for all plus size women out there, proudly calling us fat is a cause that I unfortunately think would not be a smart move especially if you’re dealing with other people who often do not feel strongly about what we feel strongly about. I just feel that by calling ourselves ‘fat’, we are helping them to reinforce the negative stereotype to which they put on us and while we may feel empowered, they may ridicule us even more...

I remember the other day I saw a beauty pageant that proudly fights for plus size women, but shamelessly call their pageant somewhere along the lines of ‘Fatgent: Pageant For All You Beautiful Fat Girls Out There’. Okay, maybe not exactly that, but I would imagine instead of applauds, people would laugh instead. Or ‘fatkini’. I don’t know you guys, I don’t buy it even though I loveeeee the idea behind it (and the beautiful designs!).

But you know, that’s just me. At the end of the day, I support body positive and feel that everyone have different ways of fighting for their own cause. Although it may not work for me, if it works for them then, hey, who I am to say otherwise? That is something that many of us should learn to understand I guess, huh? It feels like post-feminism you know, where you celebrate women and sexuality and stuff and other feminists (non-feminists as well) think that that’s just wrong and pushing women backwards. 


REST, next time..
K.BYE :)

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Don't Fall For Fake Friends

Hello Everyone :D 

Been a long time since I last updated. You all must be curious what I really did in these months..  Well, I was flourishing and suffering at the same time☺ Was busy dealing with good and wrong ones.
Don't worry, perfectly good now..!! 

I hate the sequence of events that proceed betrayal by anyone, let alone someone considered to be a person close to you or someone you once confided in. The ache in the
pit of your stomach from the initial blow of the let down, the pulsating of your temple as you try
to ponder why this is happenening, and the pacing back and forth across an empty room in attempts to maintain your composure.
Lessons are very painful in life, when someone who is close to you, ditches you, that hits harder than most. I am very familiar with fake friends and the very real heartache that comes each time their true nature is revealed.

I know the pain that accompanies the betrayal of a false friend is a sting not like many others. I also know the relief of the removal of such a person from your life is just as great. Sometimes
we are unaware of the wolves in sheeps clothing that have crept into our houses. We are left to wonder which is worse? A) That they were
wolves from the start or B) We are just now figuring it out? 
Either way, it hurts. I am getting better at acceptance and trusting. There is a reason for the way things happen sometimes. We do not always understand why the temporal pain we feel may very well be for long term happiness. God, however, knows why
every time, and I can personally thank him for removing certain people throughout my life probably I would have held on to ignorantly forever.

If someone has lied to you, hurt you or hindered your progress in life repeatedly, chances are they are wolves too.
Forgiveness is necessary, but
self sabotage is not. If you are involved with angry, copy cats, jealous, or spiteful people posing as your friends yet acting more like your enemies, begin to take inventory of these types of people in your life and honestly start to remove them accordingly. .
Fake friends are a very real problem for us all. Not many can say they have not experienced one in their life at some point. Despite a few bad apples, the harvest of your relationships will
prove to be pie worthy! Do not be bitter in the betrayal of these people, but allow the experience to make you a bit better each time!

Rest, next time.
God bless us all :)

Thursday, 12 February 2015

#Poem 2. You Are Perfect To Me

I know you can’t play.
But would you strum a few strings for me?
I know you can’t sing.
But would you hum a few lines for me?
I know you don’t like to write a lot.
But would you write a few words to me?
I know you resent reading lengthy novels.
But would you read out few pages to me?
Because no matter however imperfect they are,
The music, the song. Broken words and languid read.
You are perfect to me.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

A Little After A Pause :)

Good Evening Everyone :D                        
I hope you all are doing great..
Its been a month since I last updated. I assumed I was not getting the inspiration or you can say the motivation to write more (that's what happens when I come back to hostel from my home) so, got myself completely involved in studies, college, shopping, serials, movies and the list goes on..

"Life is too short to sit with disappointments and regrets and too long to walk alone" 

Talking about what happened in a month.. Well, I don’t believe in an apple pie life. Life isn’t always happy, there are ups and downs, changes that are inevitable and sudden and sometimes there’s a halt. One day the love seems forever, next day it wavers, sometimes the days are too fast to waste a single second and sometimes there is a long monotonic silence.
I don’t pretend like everything’s alright, and I don’t keep a helpless face always. My writing is just those moments, when I experience this sweet-bitter life. So, I might not write always, but I know, whatever I write, I write with all my heart <3

Rest, Next Time..
K, bye! 

Sunday, 4 January 2015


The power a book holds on a reader is very exciting to observe, how people can spend hours imagining a world they read and dissolve in. Some seem to be able to understand the difference between reality and imagination, while others get lost in the clouds of dreams and hopes, living someone else’s life altogether, Just Like Me.
I find myself lost in the living..
I am a big Fiction lover.
Whenever I go through any book I have to remind myself that what I read doesn’t exist.
I am surprised how I am still aware of the reality, books appeal to be so much happier. I’m surprised I’m still me :)

Rest, Next Time.


Friday, 2 January 2015

#Poem 1. The Rain

Hello Everyone!

It's raining continuously from past 2 days.
Maaahhhnn I jussttt louuvvee Rainn and WRITING, be it anything !!
Rain Is my favourite ^_^  The Blissful fragrance of the wet soil, the beautiful atmosphere.. It arouses the poetic emotions in me :D
Am adding the First Poem :) Hope You all like it..

Rest, Next Time..


Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Day, New Year, A New Beginning!!

 Its raining here and am sitting with a cup of coffee in one hand, this is one of the days when I sit back and Imagine what all I have done In the previous year. I imagine all the choices I have made in my life and how any of them would have been different if I handled them "Better" or "Worse".
2014 was like a roller coaster ride, Board Exams, College, Delhi And Awesomest Friends.. I had it all!!

There were some very wrong decisions which i have made, But it is said na. All is Well That Ends Well. Am happy that sooner I realised what I have been doing to myself and look here I Am -->
Clever, Sharp, Strong and Happyy!!  

So, I am going to push my lil mind to think of how small things in my life made it what is it today, what it is at this moment. 

(For The Father who have always guided me)

I WONDER if you know that you have been that one special man whom I love with all my heart.
I IMAGINE you teaching me Trigno and telling me Maths isn't a ghost, so stop worrying :P
I REMEMBER you taking us to every corner of the country.
I REGRET not listening to you when I needed to learn the most! 
Am sorry Papa.
And am thankful to you for whatever I am today and what I am going to be!! 

(For the Mum who always cared)

I WONDER how you loved me for my wrongs.
I IMAGINE you taking care of us when Papa was in Siachen, such a brave lady you are.
I REMEMBER you being the first best friend of mine :*
I REGRET of the hurt that came to you when you were giving birth to me ;(
Am sorry Mum.
And am thankful to you for what I am today and what I am going to be!!

(For My Sissy who share the same blood)

I WONDER  how you were so little and how u grew into a beautiful girl now.
I IMAGINE you and me going to SUVIDHA COMPLEX (Pathankot) just to have a packet of Jaljeera :P
I REMEMBER every achievement of yours that made me proud.
I REGRET of fighting and slapping you unnecessarily ;(
Am sorry Tukki.
And am thankful to you for what I am today and what I am going to be!!

(For the Friends I love, Snibbu and Mickoo)

I WONDER how we became friends.
I IMAGINE if we would have been together, side by side, holding each other in thicks n thin.
I REMEMBER us singing, marching, bitching, taking rounds and TAALKINNGG :)
I REGRET how I unheard you both ;(
Am sorry.
And am thankful for what I am today and what I am going to be!!

(For the One I will always love) 

I WONDER how much right do I have on you, and how much can you own me.
I IMAGINE us Sharing the same laugh :D
I REMEMBER how we used to be together, no matter what.
I REGRET the time of losing you ;(
Am sorry.
And thanks for making what I am today, and what I am going to be!!

I love you all.. 
Happy new year Everyone!!

Rest, Next time..
